If you’ve been to our main website a few times, you must have noticed that it changes quite often. I’ll tell you a little secret: we constantly tweak and test the site to make sure people who visit can find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible. That works great for us.
The website is a living, breathing entity on the internet. Every update we make to our or our clients website once it is “live” on the internet plays a part in its interaction with visitors, customers, and the powerful search engines. However, a static website without updates of any kind may be viewed by search engines as a “dead” entity – with no life and nothing new to offer.
Fresh Content = Frequent Indexing
Google is in love with Frequent Updates
Updating Your Website Design
Mobile-Friendly or Responsive Web Design
If a visitor finds your site and begins reading through your content and finds it is outdated, do you think they will stay or go? What would you do? I certainly would not order anything from someone who had an article from 2011 on their main page. I want to know the business is active, alive, worthy.